Thanks and glory be to the Lord for continuing to raise the mighty community of men and women with a zeal to devote their time , supports and other resources to make sure the Kingdom of God is built and spread in Country , City , Province , District , village and house to house , family to family , person to person .It has never been so easy but it was only being made possible through Christ who strengthens us , Philipians 5:13
Our special thanks for all those who have been keeping the work of God in Zanzibar in their prayer lists , and despite of silence and openly oppositions against the spread of the gospel in which in many times have been done in the motive of persecution , and disappointment and discrimination but your continually unquenchable prayers have been so helpful to push away the fear and discouragement and the the come the Spirit of power and boldness to press and move on serving the LORD.
This is to confirm to you that never ever stop praying for the Saints , and keep mobilizing others to intercede for the men and women of God who carry the divine mission of the Gospel to Zanzibar , we believe even those who have been opposing this divine ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ they do so because of the blindness that the devil have place between their eyes to take it differently and opposite and for that sake we chose to love and pray for them as we keep telling them the Truth about Jesus and and His amazing divinely mission to the world.
May the LORD God bless you as you continue to stand in your position the LORD placed you into in order for His amazing plan to be fulfilled in the shininess of His glory.Be blessed our dear brothers and sisters for your support and love in Christ Jesus the LORD..Amen
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