Monday, April 30, 2012

The Bible says in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” This is what happened two weeks ago in the House of the God whereby one of the greatest miracle above other miracles is believed to be for a person accepted Jesus as his/her personal Savior and Lord.We are all joining our new brother Seleman and his wife together with their two children Kevin and Mariam for taken a their right decision to follow Jesus as the personal Savior and Lord and so caused a great shout in the Church service which was going on that day. This family before gave their lives to Jesus they were tormented with evil spirits and they were seeking solutions to the witchdoctors (Sangomas) to cure them but instead they were experience losing too much more for nothing and the problems remain the same and increased very rapidly.He lost Seleman lost his job by technical accusation done by his adversary in his job place and so was set in cell waited for his case to to be called.How ever God`s mercy and love was seeking him although they were not aware of it. As this family rents in the same house with me (Ev.Samson) so I decided to speak up again with them about the guarantee solutions for their present time and future and forever which can only be possible through Jesus Christ as Jesus tells us in the Book of John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.We always have to bless and give all the glory and praises to God for He fore planned such beautiful and amazing for plan for them. This man was belong to a certain religion until the last time he surrendered his life and his family to Jesus and experience wonderful peace and SHALOM in their family now they attending special teachings in our Bible School trainings as to equip his life and zeal to Christ.Although this man is going through a bit hard time as was saved within two weeks since he lost His job but by the grace of God we are continue to do what we can as our responsibility to "Feed the Lambs and Tend the Sheep" but in all the way to make sure he never look back and lose his very tangible opportunity in Christ.Although I urged him to wait until the right time come for him to declare his new life to his relatives and family from his father`s root as to help him get equipped first before jump encounter tougher opposition from them ,but was so amazed and shocked when he came and told me that he could resist him self living without declare to them and every one who knows him before reborned so him may live with much freedom know to everyone. I love this man and will love him for ever,he is my second miracoleous guy who got saved in unexpected and very surprising way after the one who I preached in Barber Shop in Arusha in 2005 when I was there for two weeks saints-equipping seminar and when I was prepared for the next evening session I decided to go and shave my bears in a certain Barbershop and when was there God gave me a word to share with more than 15 young-men who were just there talking and play some games and smoking.As was waited for my time I begun to share with them about Jesus and all of them were just smiling and make funny of me saying "no young man can be saved until he is old or dead",but still kept help them understand God`s plans for them but no one seemed to understood all I said to them then I shaved and went for the next session in the Church the second and as I was about to finish in the last two day and as I was stood up preaching and teaching I saw a one of the young man whom I preached two past a week and 5 days ago.He was coming in the front toward the me to the Alter crying and shouting "Jesus forgive me ,Lord forgive me"as I looked to him I then realized it was him then I jumped with joy and ran to him and hugged him with agape love saying my son come here is Lord was longing to receive you. I wondered to see people were just amazed to see him coming to Church and moving toward the preacher crying because he was one among the very stubborn guy and never attended Church before especially New Testament Churches. Back brother Suleiman,I`m so glad to tell you that we baptized him together with other four young men and woman and he said to the pastor I want to be baptized with new name "SAMSON" our Church Evangelist as God used him for us to found this amazing opportunity to know Jesus and got free from Evil spirits which took us into many loss for nothing. Dear believers, i think you can agree with me that it`s the time for Zanzibar to know Jesus and His beautiful undeniable truth of salvation to every mankind who believes in Him.Pray for this family and pray for us to help them grow into deep fellowship with God through teachings and many other resources the Lord will bless.

The Long Way The Church Was And Is to Go

Zanzibar Island is the informal designation for the Islands of Unguja and Pemba situated in the Indian Ocean.

However during the Age of Exploration ,in 1498 the Portuguese Empire was the first European power to gain control of Zanzibar, and kept it for nearly 200 years until in 1698 Zanzibar fell under the control of the Sultanate of Oman and obviously ( build the Mosque of Allah is believed by the Islam so ever influenced the mode of belief of the entire generations of the Zanzibaris until today ).

Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf had settled through southern hemisphere of Unguja early in the 10th century after monsoon winds propelled them through the Gulf of Aden and Somalia. Zanzibar archipelago united with Tanganyika to form the present day Tanzania in 1964.

The rise of the minority Christian community relies on different means of their introductory causes ,as Christianity has diverse rich forms of denominations therefore there were some denominations which were being introduced in Zanzibar through historical factors like Colonialism period whereby the Colonial empires which were established in the forms of the national denominations were easily made their side by spreading their belief such of these are Anglican Christians through British Empire and Roman Catholic through Portuguese, Lutheran through German Empires .

How ever in 1974 there were other Christian Churches were introduced in Zanzibar after Independence of Zanzibar then the United Republic of Tanzania such these Churches were the Lutheran Christians and Evangelical Christians (Pentecostal) etc.

Praise God, as from the Church Rev.Leonard Masasa was pastoring were rose men who decided to go out and established new churches of different denominations such as Elim Pentecost, Tanzania Assemblies of God, Zanzibar Pentecostal Church, Free Pentecostal, and many other churches have been established in Zanzibar Islands.

In 1995 Rev.Leonard left the church he used to pastor since 1984 and established a new Church which "The Evangelistic Assemblies of God Zanzibar (EAGZ)" and was started until this day he is pastoring that Church.

The EAGZ Church has succeeded by the grace of God to open other Churches.How ever more efforts is done as to equip these churches and also pray hard to find up some means we can do more in other places, if God may open doors.

The recent research have shows that Islam religion has 95.% followed by Hindus and others 2.05% ,Catholic and Anglican 1.% ,Lutheran 0.01%, Evangelicals 0.05% of all people.

Please when you visit the Islands of Zanzibar feel free to visit us too and as you are still afar we therefore requesting your fervent and effective prayers so that this work may go forward and so many Zanzibaris could find their chance to know and believe in Jesus Christ...Amen.

Matthew 20:19-20
"19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ina the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)

Matthew 24:14
"14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (NIV)

Roman 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(NIV)"

Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."