Hey my fellow Men !! , I think one of the best way to make your beloved wife to trust you more is not by keep giving her more new sweet promises rather choose to fulfil those promises you gave her before you married her.
If it comes you made promises which are beyond your true ability, then you better call her and tell her the reality that yes, you promised her you could do all you promised but now you can never make them so you need her to forgive you.
I think it is good to tell her the reality rather than make new promised upon the old ones , tell her even if it sometimes can cost you depending what you promised her. Women are unique beings in handling truth than lies, she might react somehow but she will come to forgive you and help you be specific and smart in making new promises.
And I wont be surprised to see she will come and help you to make your new dreams become reality because your truth to her will help her to understand your ability and give her a true picture of what you can and what you can't , this fact will give her to estimate the measure of supports she can donate in your dream to make it become true and no more failure.
Remember she is now your closest partner, and not viewer/fan of your life journey you board together , therefore watch out lest you give her wrong-estimates about you in order to convince her believe you can do everything good she wishes as the results your end will be EXTREMELY MESS ABOVE MESS.