If you are person who did not hear in your life time anything about Zanzibar Islands regarding religious history and background and other history regarding colonial time and slavery time then it can look simple to hear today something very special the Lord is doing in these Islands for His amazing glory through the Gospel of peace.
Brother if you are a person who is today becoming to know something about Zanzibar Islands and what the divine plan dear Lord Jesus fore-had for Zanzibar and its people then you are now have to stand to join us pray and to everything the Lord will direct you to do as to contribute for Gospel campaign to bring up this divinely Vision of "ZANZIBAR FOR JESUS"
My dear if you think you are to stand like a normal viewer of what God is doing into this Islands Zanzibar then I would like to tell you that God has many people to be used to accomplish what He wants to accomplish in His due time.
Just watch this video to see what happen to past few weeks Crusade in Zanzibar and suggest what more do you think to be done to make it even more better for God`s glory.