It has been such a very hard day hearing of shocking news of the death of our beloved Arch Bishop Moses Kulola who was reported left to heaven early today.
The family and our overall Church of The Evangelistic Assemblies Of God Tanzania (EAGT ) need your prayers so much than any other time before that only the wisdom and power of God may take us through with comfort, strength and clear path we should take in the wills and manner of the Holy Spirit.
No one can deny the Ministry of Arch Bishop Kulalo was the Spring for many Evangelical Churches in Tanzania , Eastern and Central Africa to be born and empowered to the level we can carry on today .He remains one of the greater Revivalists in the history of the Gospel success in the African Continent and the world.
Though he is no longer physically with us but we will always be proud of the true Bible-base docrinal foundation he left with us as he has stepped up to be with Jesus Christ in heaven. May the Church keep what the Lord used him to preach and teach us during his time.
Let us join together and pray for his beloved family and clan he left and let us specifically pray for the Church (Evangelistic Assemblies Of God Tanzania ) and theleaders he lfet so the peace and wisdom of God may persist and protect the Church and all her members in the manner deserves of the GOSPEL in the WILLS AND GUIDANCE OF ALMIGHT GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT.
The video clip below shows some of his Gospel Crusade Campaigns he used to preach in many places in Tanzania and Africa.
The LORD gave so the LORD has taken back, to Him only be the glory!!Amen