They sing this to God :-
Friday, October 7, 2016
You Made The Church Very Inspired And Blessed
They sing this to God :-
Friday, March 11, 2016
Women are winning again and the Church is making another step forward because the women have decided to arise and take their positions to make sure the Church is winning and reaching the goals of which God has instituted for.
It was like a dream when the women society in our Church was discussing the challenges they face as women at large , where some are mothers , wives , single parents and others are widows and some are just single women and girls . Their meeting went even further to the point of finding ideas of how together they can unite their power to eradicate poverty among every reborn women in the Church, which means to empower one another as the organs in the Body of Christ , believing that It is very true God is willing to do something for the Church once He sees we are serious and very committed to take a move forward.
In other way this came as another surprise to men`s side in the Church seeing Women are winning again the same way it happened when Jesus was crucified and buried , whereby many great and most respected disciples of Jesus were captured into dilemma not remembering what to do next , nor remembering what Jesus told them before , and therefore the women challenged the disciples of the fact and truth updates of the resurrection of Jesus ,and again it was the women who met Jesus first before any others once Jesus was risen from the dead , it was the women who brought a news of hope and power to the Church that JESUS is alive again before Jesus appearing to them all in Galilee , yes Peter and other disciples ran after but no after without before , the record is coming up again in the Church that WOMEN ARE LEADING AGAIN.
GOOD NEWS ; For the first time , the Women society in the Church has founded a Micro-finance institution and named it "SHALOM WOMEN GROUP" , whereby its members are subjected to save money in into SHALOM every week , and after a period of time each member will be eligible to apply for a LOAN from the SHALOM MICRO FINANCE for their entrepreneurship projects they would like to do .
Another surprise! Two weeks ago there came one lady who wanted to give her life to Jesus so that she can be part of the born-again Christian Women and also join the SHALOM GROUP, the incidence came as the results what she heard from one of the Shalom group member of what these reborn women in the Church are doing to bring an impact to life and families .
When they started this idea we thought it was for helping them in economical point of view toward their ministry responsibilities as reborn Women , but never expected that God would use SHALOM MICROFINACE as also a winning vessel of the sinners to Jesus Christ , halelujah!!
Dear viewer, we would like to encourage to keep these Women of Christ in your fervent prayers and if you may feel to support them in any way possible feel free to reach us and let us join them in big support for the glory of God .To God be all the glory honor and praise.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
The Almghty God the Father of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is at work and that is our only courage which keeps us feel that we are not alone despite of many challenges we have been facing including , Stoning against our Church building ,local-made booms attacks thrown toward our Church hall during our Church services , asoning against our daughter Churches from and the current low scale resources in which the Church could use to accomplish more than we have done before., remember Jesus called the Church as His House of Prayers, we keep standing firm in Him for He is always faithful.
We as the Church feel it is the time now to move to a good enough place for the Church , this requires a spacious plot which can accumulate the Church building and other depart compounds the Church need to represent the Kingdom of God base on the specific assignment that Jesus Christ has commended us to accomplish for His amazing glory. This project requires funds , expertise and prophetic guidance from God of how and what God wants this Church to be constructed ,for there is God divine purpose in anything He wants to do.But please remember when we are talking about the Church we are not talking about our own or human business at all , but God`s business.
You can do something for the Church if you are graciously knowledgeable to discerning that anything good you do for Her /Church you do neither for the denomination , neither the people assemble here, but instead you are doing for the Owner of the Church who is no one else but JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as you can see here below what He said.
Matthew 21:13
13And He said to them, "It is written, 'MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER'; but you are making it a ROBBERS' DEN." 14And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.…"
Therefore , let we ask you please to join us prayerfully seeking the Lord that He may send us a means of resources we can start and accomplish this project , because where we are currently worshiping is no longer conducive , enough and accessible for many people who look for a place to worship and praise the Lord with a freedom and peace.
We have declared today that the whole Church shall enter a journey of fasting and praying that He , God may send us a possibility to possess and build the Church for His amazing glory and honor.And we are going to start opening a special fund for this project whereby every Christian members and leaders shall be donating every Sunday not matter how low wages many members are either paid or earning from the works of their hands.You can send your support to our Bank account as shown in this blog at Donation page, your can also write to us to let us know who you have support the work and we get your name for our Church prayers.
May God the LORD bless you for taking this urgent and core need of the Church seriously , may He bless you with His DIVINE SHALOM, may you lack no success in anything good and righteous you put your hands to do, in Christ Jesus, AMEN.
We humbly thank you for being a reason for the HOUSE OF THE LORD TO BE ESTABLISHED IN ZANZIBAR.
The Long Way The Church Was And Is to Go
Zanzibar Island is the informal designation for the Islands of Unguja and Pemba situated in the Indian Ocean.
However during the Age of Exploration ,in 1498 the Portuguese Empire was the first European power to gain control of Zanzibar, and kept it for nearly 200 years until in 1698 Zanzibar fell under the control of the Sultanate of Oman and obviously ( build the Mosque of Allah is believed by the Islam so ever influenced the mode of belief of the entire generations of the Zanzibaris until today ).
Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf had settled through southern hemisphere of Unguja early in the 10th century after monsoon winds propelled them through the Gulf of Aden and Somalia. Zanzibar archipelago united with Tanganyika to form the present day Tanzania in 1964.
The rise of the minority Christian community relies on different means of their introductory causes ,as Christianity has diverse rich forms of denominations therefore there were some denominations which were being introduced in Zanzibar through historical factors like Colonialism period whereby the Colonial empires which were established in the forms of the national denominations were easily made their side by spreading their belief such of these are Anglican Christians through British Empire and Roman Catholic through Portuguese, Lutheran through German Empires .
How ever in 1974 there were other Christian Churches were introduced in Zanzibar after Independence of Zanzibar then the United Republic of Tanzania such these Churches were the Lutheran Christians and Evangelical Christians (Pentecostal) etc.
Praise God, as from the Church Rev.Leonard Masasa was pastoring were rose men who decided to go out and established new churches of different denominations such as Elim Pentecost, Tanzania Assemblies of God, Zanzibar Pentecostal Church, Free Pentecostal, and many other churches have been established in Zanzibar Islands.
In 1995 Rev.Leonard left the church he used to pastor since 1984 and established a new Church which "The Evangelistic Assemblies of God Zanzibar (EAGZ)" and was started until this day he is pastoring that Church.
The EAGZ Church has succeeded by the grace of God to open other Churches.How ever more efforts is done as to equip these churches and also pray hard to find up some means we can do more in other places, if God may open doors.
The recent research have shows that Islam religion has 95.% followed by Hindus and others 2.05% ,Catholic and Anglican 1.% ,Lutheran 0.01%, Evangelicals 0.05% of all people.
Please when you visit the Islands of Zanzibar feel free to visit us too and as you are still afar we therefore requesting your fervent and effective prayers so that this work may go forward and so many Zanzibaris could find their chance to know and believe in Jesus Christ...Amen.
Matthew 20:19-20
"19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ina the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)
Matthew 24:14
"14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (NIV)
Roman 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(NIV)"
Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."