Thursday, December 5, 2013


Be aware whenever you meet a person who may try to convince you to join this Organization "World Organization For Church Support " .

Please tell us or call for Police because they are deceiving Christian leaders that they are working to help Churches and spiritual leaders to go in abroad (USA,AUSTRALIA and CANADA) for 6 to 9 months for mission activities but not true at all because they are attempting to steal money from God`s people.

They came to Zanzibar and were trying to convince pastors and bishops in Zanzibar to join them as they would help them be connected to Mega Churches in USA, AUSTRALIA and CANADA also they were using photos of the honourable men in their website claiming to be affiliated to them ,some of them are Hon.Prime Minister of Canada , and also Kathryn Lohre a President for National Council of Churches Of Christ in USA (NCC), also Pastor Creflo A. Dollar, Jr. a (televangelist, pastor, and the founder of the non-denominational World Changers Church International based in Fulton County, Georgia)

We give thanks and praise to God that these scam attempt aimed to destroy the personality ,reputation and credibility of the Church in Zanzibar in the image of the public well as causing big confusion among leaders and mere Christian members who could be tempted to even borrow money from different sources to fund for their visa fees but unfortunately they would end-up in an unexpected mess of losing their money.Glory be to God that this evil plot against the Church has totally failed to the maximum , however they failed here in Zanzibar and Tanzania but we are cautioning other Christian leaders around the global to be aware of these scammers who target whoever they can target and treat them unmercifully.

Thank you all who have helped us to know the truth and we praise all steps which are taken to make sure the suspects will have no way to deceive people and especially the Churches , but we also praise any possible lawful measures which might be taken against the suspect and make them good as a examples for any persons who might try to follow such cyber crimes attempts

Matthew 16:18 " And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Friday, September 13, 2013


This is another painful news to the Church and the nation as well following another acid attack against Roman Catholic priest famously known as Father Mwang`amba who was attacked when he was leaving from a private internet café at Mlandege street in Zanzibar town early today at this evening

He is now being admitted at central hospital in Zanzibar and there is a majority of Christians flowing there right now from different corners.Until now there is no any suspect being arrested and nothing has been heard already from the Christian leaders following such this brutally attack to emerged few months after two British nationals were attacked with the liquid acid

We are following the currently incidence and will come back as we be getting the current situations on the ground ,how ever Christians are called to remain calm as steps are be taken over the matter

Please be on prayers for the Church and never lose heart to encourage she, and hopefully the Lord God will remember you in your time of troubles and challenges.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


It has been such a very hard day hearing of shocking news of the death of our beloved Arch Bishop Moses Kulola who was reported left to heaven early today.

The family and our overall Church of The Evangelistic Assemblies Of God Tanzania (EAGT ) need your prayers so much than any other time before that only the wisdom and power of God may take us through with comfort, strength and clear path we should take in the wills and manner of the Holy Spirit.

No one can deny the Ministry of Arch Bishop Kulalo was the Spring for many Evangelical Churches in Tanzania , Eastern and Central Africa to be born and empowered to the level we can carry on today .He remains one of the greater Revivalists in the history of the Gospel success in the African Continent and the world.

Though he is no longer physically with us but we will always be proud of the true Bible-base docrinal foundation he left with us as he has stepped up to be with Jesus Christ in heaven. May the Church keep what the Lord used him to preach and teach us during his time.

Let us join together and pray for his beloved family and clan he left and let us specifically pray for the Church (Evangelistic Assemblies Of God Tanzania ) and theleaders he lfet so the peace and wisdom of God may persist and protect the Church and all her members in the manner deserves of the GOSPEL in the WILLS AND GUIDANCE OF ALMIGHT GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT.

The video clip below shows some of his Gospel Crusade Campaigns he used to preach in many places in Tanzania and Africa.

The LORD gave so the LORD has taken back, to Him only be the glory!!Amen

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Hey my fellow Men !! , I think one of the best way to make your beloved wife to trust you more is not by keep giving her more new sweet promises rather choose to fulfil those promises you gave her before you married her.

If it comes you made promises which are beyond your true ability, then you better call her and tell her the reality that yes, you promised her you could do all you promised but now you can never make them so you need her to forgive you.

I think it is good to tell her the reality rather than make new promised upon the old ones , tell her even if it sometimes can cost you depending what you promised her. Women are unique beings in handling truth than lies, she might react somehow but she will come to forgive you and help you be specific and smart in making new promises.

And I wont be surprised to see she will come and help you to make your new dreams become reality because your truth to her will help her to understand your ability and give her a true picture of what you can and what you can't , this fact will give her to estimate the measure of supports she can donate in your dream to make it become true and no more failure.

Remember she is now your closest partner, and not viewer/fan of your life journey you board together , therefore watch out lest you give her wrong-estimates about you in order to convince her believe you can do everything good she wishes as the results your end will be EXTREMELY MESS ABOVE MESS.

Monday, July 29, 2013


MATTHEW 28:19-20;
"19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age "

But this can not happen by God alone unless otherwise we obey to work in partnership with Him and accept to be used by Him in fulfilling the Great Commission in our families, our neighbours ,villages , Districts, Regions ,Country ,Regions ,Continents and the whole world.The truth is God is able and ready to save people through you but how ready are you?

See How Much The Bible Believes In You

Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to THEM that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. "

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think ,according to the POWER at work WITHIN US"

The truth is , you can never bring what you don`t have .From the Book of Ephesian 3:20 the Bible tells us the absolutely truth that "It depends On Us" for any changing we can desire to see in our lives ,or community let ask our selves how much we are supposed to invest for it to come into reality.

Because God is able and ready to do but what about us?

What The Secret Is?

"But if they had stood in My council ,then they would have proclaimed My words to My people ,and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from their evil of their deeds."


" For this I toil ,struggling with all His Energy that He powerfully works within me"

Friday, May 3, 2013


Matthew 16:18
"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".

As the Church we are taking a very sincerely concern to thank you all who were labored in prayers over the days of persecutions the Church was gone through which cost lives of some priest and many Church properties and even psychological unrest to Christian members.

These were one of the very hard days but we are moving on because of what you men and women of God sowed "Fervent prayers " to God who stood on our side and saved many lives which could be taken away if God could intervene because as we know for sure one of the biggest mark which characterized the image of the works of the devil is his three main missions as we can quote from the statement of Jesus in
John 10:10 " The thief comes only to steal, slaughter, and destroy. I've come that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

Devil always moving along these three main mission which are Stealing, Slaughtering and Destroying in order to achieve his goals which are always known are to Stop the work of JESUS CHRIST which is the only the only Way, Truth and Life; John 10:10b " I've come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. " John 14:6 ".....I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

Now we are want to come to your door right now where ever you are and say THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND PRAYERS as because of that God heard and saw your tears and delivered us from the evil plans Devil had against the BODY of CHRIST. We want also to thank those who opened their hands and supported us materially from the little they had but still gave them out to encourage us in those hard days we want to say thank you so much and that God is preparing your reward in heaven and even in this world before He comes.

Either our great apology to all our viewers for lacked current news at that time even in the past few months we want to say please forgive us as well. But one of the main reason was because we came to find out there was a man who quoted some of our ministries info we used to post every month and this man was quoting those news and used them to propagate anger and chaos to his religious members in what we believed was aimed to win a majority support and mobilize to shutdown efforts of the Church growing in reaching people for Christ here.

Once we saw that we decided to seek for wisdom from God to know how we can walk away from bad attempt that man was motivated his fellows against us. We forgave his and pray God to bless him and open his eyes to see and know the truth about Jesus and this ministries we labor for Christ, and that the Church is not a group of conflict and chaos to people but of Children of God borne through Jesus Christ by faith in Him.

Finally we ask you to continue pray for us and we will continue to keep you updated of progress of God`s works in the ministries. However for those who would like to send their donations to support the Church please you are asked to use our Church bank Account as follow :

SORT CODE : 3369
ACCOUNT No. : 0152416470400


Thank you so much for your Godly heart for the gospel and people we say again thanks alot , and you are most welcomed to visit us.

The Long Way The Church Was And Is to Go

Zanzibar Island is the informal designation for the Islands of Unguja and Pemba situated in the Indian Ocean.

However during the Age of Exploration ,in 1498 the Portuguese Empire was the first European power to gain control of Zanzibar, and kept it for nearly 200 years until in 1698 Zanzibar fell under the control of the Sultanate of Oman and obviously ( build the Mosque of Allah is believed by the Islam so ever influenced the mode of belief of the entire generations of the Zanzibaris until today ).

Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf had settled through southern hemisphere of Unguja early in the 10th century after monsoon winds propelled them through the Gulf of Aden and Somalia. Zanzibar archipelago united with Tanganyika to form the present day Tanzania in 1964.

The rise of the minority Christian community relies on different means of their introductory causes ,as Christianity has diverse rich forms of denominations therefore there were some denominations which were being introduced in Zanzibar through historical factors like Colonialism period whereby the Colonial empires which were established in the forms of the national denominations were easily made their side by spreading their belief such of these are Anglican Christians through British Empire and Roman Catholic through Portuguese, Lutheran through German Empires .

How ever in 1974 there were other Christian Churches were introduced in Zanzibar after Independence of Zanzibar then the United Republic of Tanzania such these Churches were the Lutheran Christians and Evangelical Christians (Pentecostal) etc.

Praise God, as from the Church Rev.Leonard Masasa was pastoring were rose men who decided to go out and established new churches of different denominations such as Elim Pentecost, Tanzania Assemblies of God, Zanzibar Pentecostal Church, Free Pentecostal, and many other churches have been established in Zanzibar Islands.

In 1995 Rev.Leonard left the church he used to pastor since 1984 and established a new Church which "The Evangelistic Assemblies of God Zanzibar (EAGZ)" and was started until this day he is pastoring that Church.

The EAGZ Church has succeeded by the grace of God to open other Churches.How ever more efforts is done as to equip these churches and also pray hard to find up some means we can do more in other places, if God may open doors.

The recent research have shows that Islam religion has 95.% followed by Hindus and others 2.05% ,Catholic and Anglican 1.% ,Lutheran 0.01%, Evangelicals 0.05% of all people.

Please when you visit the Islands of Zanzibar feel free to visit us too and as you are still afar we therefore requesting your fervent and effective prayers so that this work may go forward and so many Zanzibaris could find their chance to know and believe in Jesus Christ...Amen.

Matthew 20:19-20
"19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ina the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)

Matthew 24:14
"14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (NIV)

Roman 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(NIV)"

Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."